Saturday, January 10, 2009

Lito finds out!

I couldn't contain my excitement for very long. I decided I had to tell him that night. So I contacted my closest friend here in Joplin, Katrina Coquillard, to help me plot. I needed an alibi to go out and get the things I needed (a card, candles, baby outfits and an arrow). After a massive struggle to get Trevor (Katrina's husband) out of the house and get Lito alone (I'll share that story later) I finally had everything prepared! The video to follow is my very impromptu announcement to Lito that we were pregnant and his reaction. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'm Pregnant!

The time has come for Lito and I to bring a Baby Solorio into the world. God heard the longing in our hearts and has blessed us with a gift. On the morning of November 8th I took a test and aced it. "Pregnant" the Clear Blue Stick told me. A wave of euphoria washed over me and nothing else in the world mattered but the miracle growing inside of me. We're excited to share our experience with you as God grows our new baby over the next 9 months. This first video is that fateful morning when I discovered there would be a third added to our family!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Ultrasound!

So here's our jelly bean of a baby! This was taken at 8 weeks pregnant! (Note you wont be able to see our videos at the begining of this blog until we return to Joplin, we forgot the password!)