Friday, February 27, 2009

20 Weeks Pregnant (Half Way There!)

So, I made it half way! I am now 20 weeks pregnant today! As you can see, our baby is growing! Hooray! We only have a couple more days until we have a chance at revealing the sex of our munchkin! Please continue praying that the baby will cooperate with us so we can find out.
This week has been wonderful, once more. Baby likes to dance when music is on. Thank you American Idol. Sleeping, if you can call it that, is becoming even less comfortable. I've upgraded to two pillows now. One tucked between my legs and the other under my waist behind me. Good news is, I've been told it only gets worse. :) But I know baby is worth every ache!
For making it half way Lito, my amazing Husband, took me out for dinner at a quaint little restaurant in downtown Joplin called Red Onion Cafe. Very romantic setting with wonderful food. Then afterwards we finished up with some dessert at Freddy's, the new burger joint in town. It was nice to have a reason to get out of my sweats. Lito and I daydreamed all night about having our little one here with us one day soon. Stay tuned for the Monday announcement of baby Malachi or Penelope! We love you guys!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

19 Weeks Pregnant

This picture was taken Feb 20th when I was 19 weeks along. The baby seemed to have a mini-growth spurt. Things are moving along a little bit faster in the belly department now. Although, I still don't look pregnant pregnant- I'm getting there. I wear lots of sweats and still fit into most of my pants-unbuttoned. Baby is still really active and I love it! We find out whether we are having a firstborn son or daughter in 5 short days! Please be praying our little one will be sitting just right so the ultrasound can reveal the sex. Then I can stop calling it 'Baby' and call it Malachi or Penelope! Hooray! I can now visually see the baby kick or punch from the outside. It's sooo cool! Lito can see it too! This little one is getting so much stronger. I fear the future of my ribs!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

18 Weeks Pregnant

Well, I'm 18 weeks pregnant and happy as a clam. That's right! I still don't have much of a belly, but I feel my little one move more and more everyday, and I LOVE it! It's little kicks and punches make me smile. On an amusing note, I put Lito's hand on my belly almost every night so he might feel the baby kick. It seems whenever he puts his hand on my belly, the baby remains perfectly still. Then he gives up and goes in the other room, and right when he leaves the baby starts kicking and punching again! It makes me laugh. It almost feels like the baby is doing it on purpose. I've also discovered the baby seems to react to music. Fun Stuff! :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Baby Moves!

So last night as Tiff and I were preparing to sleep We felt the baby kick the hardest it's ever kicked. It was really amazing. I continued to talk to the baby and seemed to receive a response from the baby by more little kicks and jabs. It's exciting to go from little flutters to full out kicks! I can only remember Adam Sandler in Billy Madison, "He's gonna be a soccer player, I can feel him kicking!"

Saturday, February 7, 2009

17 Weeks Pregnant (Four Months)

Someone call Guinness, I could be the flattest stomached pregnant woman alive! I mean look at this! I've got nothin! Lito and I can tell there is a little rounding down low happening. It feels like the baby is growing faster than my belly. I can feel it doing flips and I know it needs more room. I suppose I could take it as a compliment. My abs were just so tight, the belly is having a hard time popping. Or I could give birth to the smallest baby known to man. All sarcasm aside, I'm okay that my belly hasn't popped yet. I told my little one to take all the time it needs. Meanwhile, I don't have to worry about maternity clothes! I don't have morning sickness anymore, although once in a blue moon I don't feel well. My appetite has returned. I eat a lot more, but usually smaller meals. My doc says I need to gain a little more weight. I'm trying man. I eat whatever I want, I just can't seem to eat large portions of anything. This baby needs 300 more calories a day than what I normally need. Anyhow, loving pregnancy at this point. You'll be seeing more pics week to week as I'm hoping we'll start seeing a more definite "bump". PS: Thank God for sweatpants!

I Feel My Baby!

A few days ago, I thought I felt a flutter in my belly while playing guitar hero with Lito. The next day, I was positive I felt a flick and a poke. Then yesterday we took some friends (In Pic from left to right; Chris, Lito, Charlie, Gregg) to see a couple local sites and while we were hiking to "Mother Nature's Crack" and "The Falls" I felt the baby turn over. It was an odd pressure and movement. That night I went to bed and put my hand on my belly to feel numerous pokes and turns! I couldn't get enough of it. Lito had fallen asleep next to me and I woke him up, grabbed his hand and told him to feel. Sure enough, he felt our little one banging around in there! I'm so excited! This baby seems so much more real to me now! I just had to share this new experience! ;)

14 Weeks Pregnant

The Product of Love!!! (Lito's Thought)

So last night as Tiff and I sat in bed, she had me place my hand on her stomach as she has been feeling some flutters from our baby. As I sat there in suspense the baby decided to do nothing. Yet perhaps by my touch the baby was soothed and became relaxed. Then after awhile I felt the ever so light movement of our baby, right underneath my ring finger. This only made me smile and realize that this baby has been a long time coming, I thank God everyday that Tiff and I have a relationship of Trust and Commitment that is ready to bring this Baby into the world. Stay tuned as March 2nd we discover if the baby is a boy or a girl!