Saturday, March 14, 2009

22 Weeks Pregnant (5 Months)

So, I am now in my 22nd week. This picture was taken Thursday night. He's pushing out a little more than before. He feels bigger, that's for sure. I am aware that I'm still considered 'small' for how far along I am. Even at my doctor check up yesterday they were surprised at how tiny I was. But I'm gaining weight like I should be, and my midwife thinks I'm just fine, so I'm not worried. It's wonderful to talk to my baby and call him by his name now! I can see my stomach change shapes as he moves around. He kicks and punches a ton whenever I relax or try to sleep. I love it! My cats still think I'm talking to them when Lito's not home and I'm chatting to Kai. I've also noticed that when I first get up in the morning, my belly is really round because gravity has sent him to a central location near my belly button. I'll try to take a morning picture to show you sometime. PS: Heartburn is not my best friend, but it loiters around like it is these days! So there you have it!

Tag You're It!

My friend Mel tagged me on her blog, which I've learned means the following; I am to go to my 4th picture folder and upload the 4th picture and then do the same with the 5th uploading the 5th. Then I'm supposed to tell about the pictures. So here's what I've got!
I'm going to tag JEANNIE! Your turn next!

This is a picture of Lito's little sister Rajae this past Christmas. She was so beautiful opening her gifts on Christmas Eve! Ironically, this was also the night we told his family we were pregnant! :)

This next picture is of our handsome cat Clark who is taking a nap with Lito's stuffed Boba Fett Doll. I don't know, can a cat be a Star Wars fan? I'm sure Lito would like to think so....

Monday, March 2, 2009

It's a BOY!!!

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