Saturday, January 10, 2009

Lito finds out!

I couldn't contain my excitement for very long. I decided I had to tell him that night. So I contacted my closest friend here in Joplin, Katrina Coquillard, to help me plot. I needed an alibi to go out and get the things I needed (a card, candles, baby outfits and an arrow). After a massive struggle to get Trevor (Katrina's husband) out of the house and get Lito alone (I'll share that story later) I finally had everything prepared! The video to follow is my very impromptu announcement to Lito that we were pregnant and his reaction. Enjoy!


Swan Man said...

Lito - Just wait until he/she is 3 or 4 and starts to get all those cool toys! It's a perfect excuse to have some fun! "I'll help with the dishes later hun, I'm going to spend some quality time with our child".

Anonymous said...

That was great!!! Where did you guys go? Miss seeing you at church! April Cloyd