Tuesday, December 9, 2008

8 Weeks Pregnant

So I am 8 weeks pregnant here. I can tell a difference from last week. I'm more pudgy for sure (and I've not been able to eat much- so I'm thinking it's not just chub..) I still get morning sickness off and on all day. I do have better days more recently, however. We have our first appointment in 2 days! I hope I'll have an ultrasound to show you then. We fly home to Cali the next day! We can't wait to tell everyone!

Friday, November 28, 2008

First Pair of Maternity Pants!

So I bought my first pair of Maternity Pants Today! I know it's early, but most of my pants are uncomfortably snug. So Lito and I made the trip to Motherhood! They actually fit me now when I'm not showing. At the store they had a belly you can attach to yourself to see how they'll fit in a few months. These babies should last me a while! And they are waaaaayyy comfortable! I'm talking better-than-sweats-will-wear-them-even-after-baby's-born comfortable!

7 Weeks Pregnant Morning Sickness Galore!

At 5 weeks I noticed no transitions in my body. That has since changed. I knew I wouldn't get by without the loving touch of morning sickness. I say now, without exaggeration, that starting at 6 weeks I caught a lovely flu that transitioned into morning sickness. Since then I have been nauseous all day every day, but thankfully I never throw up. Although you may not be able to see any growth from the pic, my jeans are not comfortable any more, they squeeze. I am enjoying other rounding benefits, however. This makes up for the 24/7 queasiness. I want to nap all the time and I go to bed early whenever possible. Even though I must live with the ickyness, I find it to be a blessing because it reminds me that my firstborn is growing at a demanding rate inside me. Hunching over the toilet is too little a sacrifice for such a gift. BTW- We have our first appointment December 11th @ 9:30AM to see Doc Linda Punch at Freeman Hospital! I'll be around 9 weeks then. I hope we can get an ultrasound! Yay!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Lito's Thoughts...

As I sit here on thanksgiving day, I can't help but think of my childhood and all the memories of traveling from Fresno to visit family in San Jose or Visalia. I can even recall my dad coming into my room and slowly picking me up from my slumber and placing me in the car as we prepared for our long haul out of town. The relationship with my father has always been one I look back on for strength and encouragment. Like the time some family members were upset with me for having values and convictions my father stood by my side and with a mighty roar of a lion protecting his cubs I felt secure. Yet even though my father seemed so strong to me it was the times of his gentleness and kindness that I appreciate the most. As I prepare this journey of Fatherhood I can't help but think of this future baby as one I can just love and care for all the time. Tiffany and I often look at our pasts and see where we are and are grateful for the challenges and hard times we've been through because of who it's made us. And all we want for this baby is to, "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." -Prov. 22:6. this seems like a lot to take in and I don't want to force any of this on that future baby. All I can see as being the way to do this is by loving them s my parents loved me. I would never doubt that my parents would love me even when I had bad news they always made me feel safe in sharing my shortcomings, failures, and even sins. I thank God for that has made me a man that is transparent and honest. In a conversation with my father just days ago he unbeknowst to Tiffany's pregnancy shared a story of me when he first took me to Mexico to visit the family, explaining he didn't know what to do with me because babies didn't come with an instruction manual. All I can say my parents did pretty good making up as they went. Hopefully the things I've learned from them the things Tiffany has learned from her Mom and family we can take God's word and allow it to be a shinning light in our house for our children, "as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." -Joshua 24:15

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Rose By Any Other Name....

Lito and I have our boy and girl names picked out for this unborn babe.
(However time will tell)

Boy: Malachi Lito Solorio

Girl: Penelope ? Solorio


My Messenger (Malachi is a prophet of the Old Testament)

In Greek mythology, Penelope was the wife of Odysseus who waited for him to return to her for twenty years. She avoided remarriage by claiming she would not remarry until she had completed her father-in-law's funeral shroud; every night, she unraveled part of the shroud so that the project would take a very long time. In literature, her name has become synonymous with faithfulness.

Runner Up Names:

Boy: Aidan, Vaughn, Maverick

Girl: Liliana, Ataiah, Olivia

5 Weeks Pregnant

This is me at 5 weeks pregnant. I don't see a difference yet. This was just last week, and there was really no physical sign that I was pregnant. I didn't have any symptoms that I can recall. I'm sure things will get more interesting as we go along. I am however still in shock that there's a baby in there. This week (according to What to Expect When You're Expecting) the baby resembles a tadpole the size of an orange seed and is forming it's heart and circulatory system! Yay baby!

Out to Celebrate

After telling Lito, we went out with Trevor and Katrina to a new restaurant in town called Wasabi to celebrate! It's a Japanese tepenyaki (spelling?) place. We loved it!

Lito Finds Out

I couldn't contain my excitement for very long. I decided I had to tell him that night. So I contacted my closest friend here in Joplin, Katrina Coquillard, to help me plot. I needed an alibi to go out and get the things I needed (a card, candles, baby outfits and an arrow). After a massive struggle to get Trevor (Katrina's husband) out of the house and get Lito alone (I'll share that story later) I finally had everything prepared! The video to follow is my very impromptu announcement to Lito that we were pregnant and his reaction. Enjoy!

We're Pregnant!

The time has come for Lito and I to bring a Baby Solorio into the world. God heard the longing in our hearts and has blessed us with a gift. On the morning of November 8th I took a test and aced it. "Pregnant" the Clear Blue Stick told me. A wave of euphoria washed over me and nothing else in the world mattered but the miracle growing inside of me. We're excited to share our experience with you as God grows our new baby over the next 9 months. This first video is that fateful morning when I discovered there would be a third added to our family!