Saturday, March 14, 2009

22 Weeks Pregnant (5 Months)

So, I am now in my 22nd week. This picture was taken Thursday night. He's pushing out a little more than before. He feels bigger, that's for sure. I am aware that I'm still considered 'small' for how far along I am. Even at my doctor check up yesterday they were surprised at how tiny I was. But I'm gaining weight like I should be, and my midwife thinks I'm just fine, so I'm not worried. It's wonderful to talk to my baby and call him by his name now! I can see my stomach change shapes as he moves around. He kicks and punches a ton whenever I relax or try to sleep. I love it! My cats still think I'm talking to them when Lito's not home and I'm chatting to Kai. I've also noticed that when I first get up in the morning, my belly is really round because gravity has sent him to a central location near my belly button. I'll try to take a morning picture to show you sometime. PS: Heartburn is not my best friend, but it loiters around like it is these days! So there you have it!

1 comment:

Melany said...

Tiff your belly is so cute, but so small! I can't wait to see it in person! And yay for being able to call the baby by his name!