Saturday, February 7, 2009

17 Weeks Pregnant (Four Months)

Someone call Guinness, I could be the flattest stomached pregnant woman alive! I mean look at this! I've got nothin! Lito and I can tell there is a little rounding down low happening. It feels like the baby is growing faster than my belly. I can feel it doing flips and I know it needs more room. I suppose I could take it as a compliment. My abs were just so tight, the belly is having a hard time popping. Or I could give birth to the smallest baby known to man. All sarcasm aside, I'm okay that my belly hasn't popped yet. I told my little one to take all the time it needs. Meanwhile, I don't have to worry about maternity clothes! I don't have morning sickness anymore, although once in a blue moon I don't feel well. My appetite has returned. I eat a lot more, but usually smaller meals. My doc says I need to gain a little more weight. I'm trying man. I eat whatever I want, I just can't seem to eat large portions of anything. This baby needs 300 more calories a day than what I normally need. Anyhow, loving pregnancy at this point. You'll be seeing more pics week to week as I'm hoping we'll start seeing a more definite "bump". PS: Thank God for sweatpants!

1 comment:

Melany said...

Oh my goodness you are tiny! YAY for feeling the baby move, that is awesome!!